martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

The subjects in this semester

In this semester I study for my thesis, My interest is in relationship with the art in mesoamerica, I have a guide professor for my thesis, His name is Zoltan Paulinyi, He is an expert teacher in this subject. My expectation whit this new semester is to advance my thesis to submit beginning in 2016. In my extracurricular activities, I like read book, not every books, I prefer  aesthetics  themes for expample authors as Walter Benjamin. Other activities which  I like are writing reviews the movies for my cinema class in the university.It is My training for one day write a big essay.

5 comentarios:

  1. luck with your thesis, and luck with the Sultan Paulini ! jajaja is prank ;)
    best regards!! :)

  2. Listen to this album! It is not mesoamérica but it will help you to write!

  3. hi fernando, i like share you with you,
    i would like listen some pieces created by you.... kisses
    and good luck with your thesis

  4. Hello Fernando, what do you think about the Benjamin's visions of the 'aura' on ‘The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’?
    I think that the aura is not killed, but rather multiplied, it’s a mathematical thing.

  5. Hi fernando Good luck with your thesis. See you
